Select a number - 06, 08, 11, 17, 22, 26, 30, 33, 38.
Read the results.
06 - Spend your time for a work you enjoy.
If you are facing a dilemma, for example, which job or specialization in college/university to choose, choose the one you like. The work that is paid a little more, or specialization that is a bit more prestigious, will not help you to become more purposeful.
08 - You are not ready to change your life, most likely you have quite a harmonious life.
11 - Do not complain.
The snake does not think, "I have no arms or legs, I have bad vision, I was born in the wrong country, nobody loves me, my parents did not care about from the moment I hatched." A snake is happy with what it has. People are even afraid of this 'disabled' animal. And if it does not like something, it just changes the skin and continues to crawl without regrets.
17 - Learn something new.
We are all students at heart - it helps us to survive. Learning is not just for children or students! This is what we are doing the whole life. If you've ever tried to understand something, and finally have got a clue of how it works, then you know how great it is to learn something new.
22 - Change your words and phrases.
One of the most effective ways to change your life is to change your attitude and way of thinking. And the best way to change attitudes and the way of thinking is to change the words and phrases by which you estimate your day. To remove from your vocabulary phrases that lessen your enthusiasm and strength, you may need some time. It needs time to get used to new words. But as soon as you start to use new words and phrases, with a new positive charge, you'll be surprised how people will instantly react differently to you, and new ideas will appear in your head.
Here are some phrases that should be erased from your lexis:
"Today is the same day as yesterday"
"Everything is the same"
"There is nothing new"
"I can not"
"I do not want"
"I do not know"
"Nobody needs this"
26 - Move against the flow.
A fish always swims against the current, and contrary to popular opinion, it is right thing to do. It does not do this to complicate its life, but in order to have more water to pass through it, and more food and oxygen enter with water flow. So its life is several times richer. We, in contrast to the fish, always try to go with the flow in the stagnant current. We do not want to leave our comfort zone, and then we wonder why there were sow few possibilities in our life. We want to win the lottery of life, without even buying a lottery ticket.
30 - Take into account, that great love and great success are connected with great risk.
33 - Have more practice.
Lion cubs know how to learn. They learn from the older more experienced lions. And they do not learn from textbooks and talks, but in practice, they immediately put in practice what they have just learn. We instead may spend a lot of time on studying theory, without ever trying to experience it. Wisdom arrives with experience.
38 - You are not ready to change your life for lack of fortitude. You urgently need to find motivators.
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