Feb 22, 2013

The Rules of Online Dating

To begin with, I should say that thanks to online dating site 5 years ago I found my boy-friend, who now became my husband, I guess it would be very difficult for us to find each other without internet help, as I am Ukrainian and he is Italian... So we consider us very lucky:)
Anyway, this is already the end of my online dating experience, I would even say the happy end:) and everything began 9 years ago, when I began to work in international marriage agency as interpreter...

Feb 18, 2013

Unruffled Lugano (Switzerland)

November 2012, I went to Lugano, which is Italian-speaking part of Switzerland, and it felt like I was in Italy, as everybody spoke Italian, all the shops, restaurants, buildings, street names, menu in restaurants and cafes were written in Italian and so on... but still I had cultural shock, in good sense though. I was amazed by the atmosphere and people in Lugano, there was some kind of unreal tranquility and serenity, peacefulness and imperturbability, it seemed another world, not just another country:) even if you did not see police anywhere, there was a feeling of absolute security. I don't know if it is true, but they say that in Lugano the children study 4 foreign languages as obligatory in schools, and they have the whole school program on their ipads... as I said - a different world))

Feb 14, 2013

Our fears

We all have fears... different kinds of them, from the fear of dark to the fear of being in the center of attention when all eyes are on you, from the fear of spiders to the fear of the own shadow, from the fear of pain to the fear of love, from the fear of closed small spaces to the fear of abyss, from the fear of losing loved person to the fear of sexual abuse, from the fear of people to the fear of being alone, from the fear of failure to the fear of insanity and so on...
We cling to our fears, because they become the part of who we are....

Feb 12, 2013

Music that inspires

I think each of us has the list of music that inspires us for different things, there is music that makes us dance, makes us move and do something, gives us energy, inspires us for writing, drawing, or relaxes us, or gives us food for thought, motivates us, brings us back in the past, or takes us in the future, embraces us with dreams... sometimes music can be comforting, painting the life with hope, or being a company for us when we feel alone... there is music that has no need in words, it speaks with notes, it expresses emotions, involves your imagination, takes you inside the melody and on its waves it carries you to other reality... music changes things, transforms the world, colors the life, it plays the strings of your soul, makes you fly over the horizon, amplifies your creativity. Music is so powerful that it makes you live all the tones of the melody like they are your own emotions, it is like to watch a film, the only difference is that it is film in your head, and the same melody gives absolutely different images and inputs to different people. 

Feb 7, 2013

Naples can't leave you indifferent....

First of all it should be said that it is full of history, wherever you go, you see the history, people even live in the old houses made of stones... secondly, vacation in Naples if made in the period of May-September, can be a mixed one - seaside with beautiful beaches and sightseeing.

Feb 6, 2013

The Zahir

love...love...love... this book is all about love, the philosophy of love, the practice of love, the search of love, the madness of love, the pilgrimage of love, the incredible force of love, the loss of love, longing and  obsession... if you ever were in love, you would be fascinated by this novel... it is first-person narrative, and seems autobiographical... where the main character is searching for his missing wife, and to find her he needs to re-examine all their life together, to understand all the mistakes he has made, in order to find out why she left and how to convince her to come back to him... the journey to love goes from paris to kazakhstan, during which the narrator understands the meaning of love and life...

Feb 5, 2013

How many really happy couples do you know?

Maybe it is only my impression, but I see very few happy couples around me... did you notice how many couples there are who seem strangers to each other, who show no affection, or even worse, who show irritation and sometimes even hatred to each other... and I am not talking only about the couples who have been together for years, but also young couples, who continue to stay together even if they are not happy, but because they have already got accustomed to each other, and prefer to find feelings outside of a couple, instead of changing something in relationship with their partner, or if this doesn't work, changing a partner...

Feb 4, 2013

We live in the ice age

Some interesting facts and theories about glacial age:

Ice age is a period of long-term reduction in the temperature of the Earth's surface and atmosphere, resulting in the presence or expansion of continental ice sheets, within a long term ice age there are cold climate 'glacial periods' and intermittent warm periods 'interglacials'. Ice age implies the presence of extensive ice sheets in the northern and southern hemispheres, by this definition, we are still in the ice age that began 2.6 million years ago, because the Greenland and Antarctic ice sheets still exist. - Wikipedia

Feb 1, 2013

Do you know who you are going to be in 10 years?

Recently my sister sent me one youtube video with an advice-exercise from Alexey Yanovsky, millionaire from Russia, who lives now in New-York. I found it very interesting and decided to make it today. As it seems to me very motivating and stimulating, I think it worth sharing it with you also:) The first thing you should do is to imagine next 10 years, how they will be for you. As Alexey Yanovsky says, we usually overestimate what we can do during one year, but always underestimate what we can do during ten years. 

А вы уже знаете, кем будете через 10 лет?

Недавно моя сестра прислала мне это видео, и оно мне показалось очень интересным, совет-упражнение от Алексея Яновского, миллионера из России, который сейчас живет в Нью-Йорке. Сегодня я его сделала, должна сказать, что самая трудная и одновременно интересная часть это написать список из 50 и более пунктов того, чтобы ты хотел, чтобы исполнилось в твоей жизни за будущие 10 лет. Такой себе список целей, план для реализации, как говорит Яновский в этом видео, мы переоцениваем то, что можем сделать за год, и недооцениваем то, что можем сделать за 10 лет.... Мне это упражнение показалось мотивирующим и стимулирующим, а также стоящим того, чтоб поделится с вами)))