Feb 5, 2013

How many really happy couples do you know?

Maybe it is only my impression, but I see very few happy couples around me... did you notice how many couples there are who seem strangers to each other, who show no affection, or even worse, who show irritation and sometimes even hatred to each other... and I am not talking only about the couples who have been together for years, but also young couples, who continue to stay together even if they are not happy, but because they have already got accustomed to each other, and prefer to find feelings outside of a couple, instead of changing something in relationship with their partner, or if this doesn't work, changing a partner...
There are many couples that stay together, live and eat together, but never talk, never talk about the things they are interested in, they prefer to talk about this with their friends, lovers, colleagues, they become so far from each other, that at the end they have different lives, sleep in different rooms, but do not confront the situation, leaving it go on and on... Sometimes they say that they make this for children, but I think in this way they do more harm to children, as they see cold, indifferent, untrue relations of their parents as an example for them, a pattern to follow... Or there are couples that aren't happy together even before the marriage, but still decide to marry, as they hope the things will improve by themselves after, but usually they worsen.  Or there are couples who prefer to split after the first problem or discussion, as they think that relationship is not an every-day work, but a kind of chemistry, and if you found the right one for you, your soul-mate - there should be no problems and discussions, no need in compromises and sacrifices... Why all this happens? and why there are so many couples like this and so few couples that are really happy? Shouldn't family be like home where you want to come back always, and you feel bad if you stay away for some time, shouldn't it give you the energy and strength, the peace and serenity? Of course it is normal to have quarrels and problems from time to time, i would say it is even healthy:) but still so many people think that it is easier to lie, instead of telling the truth, telling that you are not happy, but you are ready to make everything to change this...

I found this video in youtube by case, first I found it really funny, but then I understood that there were many interesting things worth attention in it, it was useful for me, so I hope it would be also for you, or at least you will surely laugh watching it :D

Here Marc Gungor shows the differences between a man and a woman in a very simple and easy to understand way, and he also explains how these differences may lead to misunderstanding in a couple and, vice versa, how a relationship can be improved and enriched by being aware of them and using them in the right way, by taking advantage of these differences, instead of blaming everything on them .. I found it amusing because of the way Marc presents the information, but also because you recognize yourself in many situations he speaks about... The interesting thing is that he is a church man, but he does not avoid the sex theme, and even if I do not believe in the church, I found many his advices reasonable and practical... surely you won't be bored by this video:) So if you like this part you should see the other one too... 

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